
What’s In A Name?

When I opened my first business I made a pretty big mistake. I picked a name that has absolutely nothing to do with what we did. As a result of this mistake I missed out on a lot of free advertising and marketing. This was especially true if I ever sponsored anything. They would always include my name and logo, but neither of them said what we did. It didn’t take long before I figured out that I should have picked something closer to what I was offering.


In the world of medical marketing we see this same scenario played out over and over all the time. The most common thing was see are doctors who name their practice after themselves, but they forget to tell you what they do. It sounds a bit to simple to be true, but it really is. We see all the time office with names like “Dr. Smith Jones” or “James, Smith and Charles”. Without any context though it can be impossible to know just what kind of doctor you are seeing. Other times we see doctors that came closer to the mark with something like, “Chad Jensen DDS”. There is still one problem though. That isn’t a practice name that is just the name of the doctor.


So how do you fix this? Let’s go back to Dr. Jensen who came close to the right idea. If he still wanted to keep his name in the practice title he could use something like, “Jensen Family Dentistry” or “Jensen Orthodontics”. Although they seem similar they offer many advantages over just his name. The first is the way he is perceived on the internet. When your name says what you do that means you have a higher chance of ranking for “Family Dentistry” or “Orthodontics” by default. Why? because it’s your name AND it’s what you do. You also see this advantage when sponsoring events, advertising or even just handing out a card. What you do is IMMEDIATELY apparent.


This one simple change can has a big impact on your brand, but your brand is more than just your name. At filmMED we help doctors go past their name and view their entire brand. We help create a brand strategy that will present the practice in the right way to get more patients and maximize the referrals from the patient base they have. If you think you may not be getting the most form your brand or your just looking to try and optimize what your doing we can help. Contact us today to learn more about what Brand strategy and what we can do to help put together yours.

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How To Boost Organic Traffic Long Term

Traffic is the very thing that will drive your website to success or cause it to whither and fail within a few months. The purpose of your website marketing is to gain or attract as many users as possible to use your website. There are many ways in which you can boost traffic, but organic traffic is the thing that will make the most difference. Here are a few ways in which you can boost organic traffic to your website in order to make a long term difference.

Review internal search and user-generated content

The best way to determine what your customers are interested in is to look at the internal search data of the site. Users are already on your site and they are already looking for certain things; you just have to uncover it. Google Analytics is a great tool that you can use in order to do this. If you have any user-generated content on your site you can use it to search for popular themes. Look at things like most viewed posts or most commented posts. If your product pages allow for questions that can be answered, review them, too.

Leverage Google

You can use Google Trends to find out what is trending at the moment or if a topic is decreasing or increasing in popularity. Compare topics over a period of time to see which ones have been used previously and how it has changed. Google Keyword Planner is a tool that will help you find keywords surrounding a popular topic that you can write about. For example, if you want to write about health benefits of exercising, you can consider including different products to boost exercising routines, how they work, how much they cost, etc.

Use valuable keyword tools

Keywords are the exact thing that will drive traffic to your website in the short and long term. Here are some valuable keyword tools that you can use:

  • Answer the Public: this tool aggregates Google auto-suggest for results. It is a good starting point for getting the gist of keyword organisation.
  • Google Keyword Planner: this is one of the more popular keyword tools and is used frequently by people all over the world. You can use it to see which keywords are trending and which are more popular than the ones you suggested.

Other tools include Moz’s Keyword Explorer, keywordtool.io, and Ubersuggest.

Synthesize research

It is important that you build a theme around the topic that you are going to create content for. The tools mentioned above might give you some search results that you can use to supplement your main idea. Expand your research and branch out to every possible question or idea that stems from your core concept.

Promote evergreen content

Evergreen content will definitely help you boost your ratings if you lack resources. You can also choose to collaborate with a different company that shares the same values and missions as you do. This will help create content that will still be relevant in the long run, but will also benefit both parties involved.

These are super easy ways to make sure that your content is boosted and you stay active online. At filmMED we help design and implement creative content that represents the practice. Contact us today to learn more about keeping your practice up-to-date and active online.



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Staying on Top By Staying Up To Date

Most people think that a great website is all it takes to drive traffic, get people excited and bring in new patients. Unfortunately though that couldn’t be further from the true. A great website that is just left as is will eventually become stale. Worse yet major search engines like Google and Bing are constantly looking to see how often you update your site. That means that your search ranking will start to drop overtime.


So how do you keep your website from going stale. That’s easy! Just make sure you are adding, updating or generating new content. Think of your site like a tree of knowledge and information for your patients. You should always be looking at what can be done to make your site better and bring more value to them. It may be as simple as updating pages as new information becomes available. Another great method for creating value is with a blog.


When it comes to your blog you want to make sure that you are generating helpful and useful content. It’s actually a huge part of what we do here at filmMED. When you are putting together a blog you need to have an end in mind. For example when I wrote this blog I was thinking about two things. The first is easy and the single most important of the two, “What can I share that will help my visitors to my site”. The second hasn’t become apparent yet, “how can I help my reader learn about a product or service we at filmMED offer that could help them”. In the terms of this post there are two thing that directly relate to this topic and how filmMED can help. The first is our website management and hosting service.


When we host your site we make sure that your site is not only keep up to date, but that we are constantly looking to optimize and keep things running smoothly. This is important to mention, because filmMED also offers managed content plans. We can help you with everything from updating your pages to creating and running a successful blog. To find out more about how filmMED can help you keep your website running it’s best contact us today!

We have the right treatment to grow your practice.

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Free Family Bootcamp

We had an amazing time with trainer Nick Bolton this weekend for our second monthly Bootcamp.  Follow filmMED on Facebook and signup for our free bootcamp the following dates.

  • June 10
  • July 8
  • August 12
  • September 9
  • October 14

Free Family Boot Camp with Nick Bolton

Sponsored by filmMED

Keep your family active together! Bring your entire family to get fit with Nick Bolton and filmMED! Ages 6+

Location: Front steps of the Liberty Memorial facing Union Station.

Nick Bolton Boot Camps

a group personal training experience where you’ll get high energy, fun, and challenging workouts designed to burn maximum fat and tone your entire body in only 30 minutes. Every group training session is led by Nick, an experienced and certified personal trainer, and is designed to be fun, high energy and challenging all while burning maximum fat and toning your muscles. Personalization is key to getting the best possible results, which is why our workout programs are modified to fit your individual fitness goals and fitness level. Whether you’re new to working out or you’re an experienced fitness buff Nick will help to modify every workout so that you’ll achieve your goals.

We have the right treatment to grow your practice.

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We are looking for highly creative people that like to think outside the box, love to design while sleeping, want to be innovators in the marketplace and enjoys health and fitness!! filmMED is looking for new talent to join our growing company.


The Following jobs & internships are available:

  • Graphic Design Internship
  • Web design UI Designer
  • 2D character animation designer
  • 2D logo animation designer
  • Copywriter / Storyteller
  • Cinematographer
  • Social Media intern


Please email us at intern@filmMED.com with samples of your woPinterestterest of what you inspire to reach in design and a bio on what you want to be when you grow up or who you inspire to be or work for.

We have the right treatment to grow your practice.

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Location Cloud

Healthcare practitioners fall into that category of local businesses where it can be very challenging to generate new business. Long gone are the days when prospective patients could find a new practice or service simply by looking in the Yellow Pages of their phone book. It’s a digital world, and people go online to find practically everything they need. So as a practice owner or office manager, doesn’t it make sense to be where people are looking for you?

One important way that healthcare practices can be found is by being listed in online directories. That’s where they have the best chance of being found when people are ready to make a healthcare decision. So, just list your business and get on with it, right? Not so fast. There are now 70+ listing services available, and it’s nearly impossible to manage those listings one at a time. You have probably heard of Yelp, Superpages.com and Bing. But what about MojoPages, Get Fave or Hotfrog?

Not only are the directories changing all the time, most of the time practice listings are manually entered, and there’s a good chance that different people in the practice are creating the information. The result? Inconsistency. Inaccuracy. And limited reach.

Sadly, 84% of practice listings are incomplete or inaccurate. filmMED’s Healthcare location service helps to ensure that the information in your practice listings is accurate and consistent. When you sign up with our Healthcare location service, your practice’s name, address and phone number information will be listed accurately across more than 70 online listing services + key healthcare sites such as Docspot, Wellness.com and DrScore and more.

You can also include photos and a video commercial of your practice in your listings to make them more engaging. With just one click, you can automate ongoing accuracy. This process used to take hours and hours to input manually, and couldn’t prevent automated databases from reverting to incorrect information without warning. Your practice will also have access to all your reviews in one location so you can manage reviews and respond to all of them in one dashboard and track your data analytics.

  • Suppress confusing and SEO-damaging duplicate listings with our patented technology
  • Location Manager cloud service*
  • Digital Asset Management*
  • Scheduled Updates*
  • Analytics Dashboard*
  • Branded Content Syndication*
  • Listings Analytics*
  • Healthcare network listings*
  • Social network listings*
  • Social Location Page Posting*
  • User-Generated Content
  • Review Monitoring*
  • Duplicate Suppression

filmMED can publish accurate practice information across all online listings. Make sure your online practice listings are always accurate. Sign up for filmMED’s Healthcare Listing service so patients can find you.

Learn More and Scan your practice’s online listings now for Free

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Behind the Scenes with Stiles Eyecare

The filmMED team had an amazing time working with Stiles Eyecare Excellence this past weekend producing over 14 videos for the new website we are building.

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If You are not on Video, You’re not Relevant

If business doesn’t use video marketing, that’s like going to a gym sitting on a bench and then hoping for results without any effort.  We’ve got you covered. filmMED can be your source for both creative content + video marketing.  Learn More about our monthly Video packages to stay up-to-date and relevant in your market.



Youtube is now the world’s second most popular search engine processing 3 billion searches a month. Bing, Yahoo, Ask and AOL combined can’t even touch those search results. It’s not surprising that the top search engine and the owner of YouTube is Google. These are just a few reasons why video marketing is the biggest source for global brands to market.

But what does this mean for you and your business? Here are 9 reasons why your company should be including video marketing on your ‘to do’ list for 2015.

  1. YouTube processes 3 billion searches a month.
  2. One minute of video is equal to 1.8 Million words.
  3. 80% of Internet users recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days.
  4. 75% of users visit the company’s website after viewing a video.
  5. Visual data is processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than text and 65% of your audience are visual learners.
  6. 86% increase in conversions on landing pages that included videos.
  7. Videos increase people’s understanding of your product or service by 74%.
  8. 80% of your online visitors will watch a video, while only 20% will actually read content.
  9. 74% of all Internet traffic in 2017 will be video.

Video content should be a pillar of your digital marketing strategy because it helps to humanize your brand and educate an inspire your audience. If you’d like to learn more about growing your audience online through video marketing strategies, we’d be happy to talk with you.

We have the right treatment to grow your practice.

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How To Create More Wealth and Bring In More Patients


The first thing that has to happen is that the business must change their mindset and reconstruct some core beliefs beginning with the dollar for dollar theory. The dollar for dollar theory  is when one thinks that for every dollar I spend I am going to get a dollar or less in return when in reality, and when done right, the return on every dollar should be getting ten times the investment. Yes you read that right… you spend $50,000 in marketing you should be getting back $500,000 in return. This is the reason why you see several fortune 500 companies spend millions of dollars in marketing, even the silliest of them bring high results.

Most of us have seen the 90 second dollar shave club commercial (if you haven’t watch it here: https://youtu.be/ZUG9qYTJMsI). Within a few weeks they had over 3 million views and had over 100,000 people sign up making them a multi-million dollar company in less than a year. So what did they do? They created a funny commercial that related to practically everyone, addressed a big pain point in shaving, and when they launched the advertisement they used social sites like Facebook to get the word out. Consumers liked what they saw and advertised it for them by “sharing” the ad. It is campaigns like these that bring in the big bucks. Invest wisely and when possible leave it to the pros.

Consumers are visually stimulated to buy, trust, and do business with you. Image is everything. From the color and thickness of the fonts, the ease of the visual flow of your logo, to the words you choose to use in your campaigns all these factors will have an emotional effect on your consumers and impact how they respond to you. In today’s age everything is becoming more modern and simplistic. Your branding should flow with the trends you see in fashion, art, and architecture and if it’s not you should consider contacting a professional!


  1. The brand MUST match the content. Avoid armatures and hire professionals sounds cliché, but it will impact the end result. You must be able to convey your brand and your mission in the content you release. Remember just because you have a good video doesn’t mean that you have a good brand.
  2. Use the content!!! Having content and not using it will not bring more profits or new consumers. Often times companies, especially smaller companies, just don’t have the time to manage the marketing workload. This is where hiring a full service company can maximize your ROI and take over the stress of managing the campaigns.
  3. Invest the money into your company. You’ve heard it before “You must spend money to make money”. Think long term and envision all the new equipment, talent, and benefits you will be able to have with your returns.

Choosing the right company to take charge of your branding and marketing is one of the most important decisions you can make in business. You have so many options out there from doing it in house to hiring a professional firm to take charge. When going through this process use these suggested guidelines.

  • The company should be objective and have a “I am your consulting partner not your friend.” Attitude
  • They are honest with you about your current process
  • They are constructive not offensive
  • They are able to give you a full service proposal that includes areas you didn’t even consider
filmMED’s average return on investment for clients ins 500% and 20% increase on profits on average.


Ready for a free Brand Consultation? Contact us today at makesomething@filmMED.com



We have the right treatment to grow your practice.

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6 Mistakes To Avoid on Your Website

An online presence ultimately means a lot more to consumers than traditional forms of marketing. If you can’t be found online, you might as well not exist. Websites should be a familiar manifestation when it comes to your company and people should react to it immediately. However, there are many mistakes that people make when it comes to websites and consumers can reject it just as easily. Here are the 6 most common mistakes you need to watch out for.


1. Not hiring a professional

The first mistake business owners make is that they do not hire a professional web designer. Many people try to do it on their own in order to avoid extra costs, but this is almost never as easy as they hoped it would be. By avoiding the professional route you will run into a world of problems such as difficult navigation, downtime, and a lack in web traffic. A professional web designer will be able to take care of the major things such as domain registration as well as the smaller things like getting the layout absolutely perfect.


2. Making a website and forgetting about it

Another mistake business owners make is that they create a website just to forget about it. It is not updated regularly, it doesn’t communicate with clients on a constant basis and it is basically just dormant for the rest of time. Use your website to update your company details, to interact with clients and to make sure that the structure is in impeccable order if new clients visit it.


3. Not having original content

Copying content from another website is not only illegal in terms of plagiarism, but it is also very unprofessional. If a new client reads the information that you have on your website and sees it is the same as another, both companies will end up looking like frauds. Create content that is authentic, unique, and that appeal to your specialized target group.


4. No call to action

Writing a lot of information on your website is great if you want to spread the message of your business, but it is useless if there is not persuasive power. Tell your clients in no uncertain terms what they should do with the information they have just read about you. Invite them to a free trial, or to shop more regularly at your online store.


5. Not mobile friendly

It is a total disaster if your website is not mobile-friendly. The majority of people browse the web on their phones during the day, and if a website is not mobile friendly, the chances are high that people will reject the website completely. Mobile friendly sites are easier to navigate and it makes the client more open to accepting what you are promoting.


6. Using a free email provider as your company email

Free email providers do not belong in a business setup. It is unprofessional and you aren’t able to create a unique experience for your staff or your clients. Invest in a reputable email service to set up your email server as you need it.

Always make sure that your website is updated constantly and that it experiences minimal downtime for users to navigate without hassle.


Ready for a website update?
Contact us today www.filmMED.com!

We have the right treatment to grow your practice.

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